Men cry too! Discriminatory Statutes and need of developing Gender Neutral Laws

Abstract: The issue of fake sexual violence and dowry cases are increasing. If all the laws will only protect women from their perpetrators, then what about men? Who will shield them? What happens to our justice delivery mechanism and the policy of "fair access to justice" when the lives of hundreds of innocent men are ruined on account of fake accusations. This article talks about how the benevolent provisions of law which were made to shield women are used as a weapon; how difficult it is for our society and authorities to think about Male rights and their protection, as we have seldom given a thought about it. Why is it so hard to believe that a Man can never be wronged? Why they are only thought to be the wrongdoers and not at the receiving end? And many more such questions are waiting for being answered. The Constitution of India provides Right to Equality as a Fundamental right, but what happens to the rights when a false case is filed against a man? The media trial ...